Disciplinary Panel News

Published 2024/05/22


Notice of a Referral (T. Vaughan) to be heard by the Disciplinary Panel on Thursday 23 May

22/05/2024 @ 12:00:00

9.30am - Tim Vaughan

An independent Disciplinary Panel will convene on Thursday 23 May to consider a Plea Agreement regarding a charge against Mr Vaughan for a breach of Rule (K)2.2 following BELLS OF PETERBORO, a horse trained by Mr Vaughan, testing positive for TCA.  

Notes to Editors:  

1. The Panel for the hearing will be: Tim Grey, Grace Cheng and Rupert Arnold. 

2. The Judicial Panel currently operates with hearings being heard via zoom. Details can be viewed here.

3. As referenced in the above, media wishing to attend remote hearings must read and agree in writing to the media protocol, which is also available here.

To express interest in attending a remote hearing, please contact Tommy Churchyard via [email protected].

Please note, the BHA Judicial Panel is an independent body which encompasses the Disciplinary Panel, Appeal Board and Licensing Committee. It receives administrative support from the BHA via the Judicial Panel Executive.